Three figures outlined against the red sky ran across an open field with the setting sun. Unnoticed by anyone else, they approached the small military base and crept along the fence. A rather large sign displayed that the fence was electrified, but it didn’t concern them. One reached up and grabbed the fence, a loud pop was heard, and another pulled a pair of wire cutters from their bag. Within seconds, the three was inside and running towards the main building, staying away from the light. Once there, they pressed against the wall and made their way towards a window to peer inside.
Inside, they saw what seemed to be the guy’s locker room, and when the door across the room swung open and a soldier stepped inside, they saw an office across the hall.
“Crystal , what’s the plan?”
“Sparcy, we can’t go around to the other side.” Crystal said, “That’s where they have camera’s set up!”
“But I thought camera’s couldn’t see us?” she whined.
“I don’t know what kind of system they have here.” She said, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“So you want to go in here?” she asked, “What if there are guys in there?”
“Are you scared to see a man naked?” she asked, “What’s wrong with you?”
“It’s not that.” Sparcy said, “They have guns Crystal .”
“Who says they have to see us?” came a voice from behind.
“What did you have in mind, Jessica?” Crystal asked, “You have a plan, right?” A sly sneer appeared across Jessica’s face.
“Well I am a black dragon.” She said with a smile, “Mischief is in our nature!”
The window creaked open slowly and the three girls slipped inside as quietly as they could and closed the window behind them. They could hear the sound of a shower around the corner and steam billowed out from the bathroom to their left as they crept by. They almost made their way across the rather large bathroom when they stopped in front of the door to the sound of a click behind them. Slowly turning on the spot the three girls stood watching a soldier in his towel and a gun in his hand.
“What are you three doing in here?” he asked.
“We had to take a leak.” Jessica said. The other two girls were scared stiff.
“All three of you at the same time?” he asked, “Rather odd.”
“Too many beers.” She said. Crystal noticed that the soldier wasn’t really pointing his gun at them, but rather casually holding it at his side.
“I know what you mean.” He said, stuffing the gun in his bag, “Just didn’t think I’d ever see a bunch of captains in our bathroom, but hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go!”
“Yea, well, carry on then.” Jessica said, pulling open the door and pushing the girls out. The soldier gave them a half hearted wave as he started to dress. The girls ran across the hall and into the vacant office where they shut the door behind them.
“How the hell did we get out of that one?” Sparcy panted, trying to catch her breath.
“I made him think we were a bunch of captains.” Jessica said, pulling open a drawer, “It’s what I do. I can mess with anyone’s mind.”
“Well keep at it girl!” Sparcy said with a smile, “This might be easier than we thought.
“Anyone know of this island?” she asked. The girls looked up and shook their heads.
“There’s papers here that are logs from deliveries. Very odd things too.” Crystal said.
“Like what?”
“There’s one here for three hundred live deer. Another for a thousand live rabbits. The rest are similar.”
“And there are records in the desk for payments made to a shipping company for this too. Jessica said, “It’s all being shipped to the same coordinates.”
“You mean these?” Sparcy asked, pointing to the island on the map. The two other girls came over to stare at the map.
“That’s where we have to go.” Crystal said, “He’s there.”
“And what makes you say that?” Sparcy asked. Crystal handed her a receipt. One large cage containing a dangerous animal, shipped to the same coordinates as the island, and stating that the ship left yesterday. With a nod the girls put everything back the way they found it and made their retreat.
The car ride home was quiet except for the quiet drone of the radio. No one said a word until Crystal turned off the highway and headed for the city.
“How are we supposed to get there?” Sparcy finally said, “We can’t just fly there. People will see us.”
“The island is in the middle of the ocean, Sparcy.” She said, “Even we can’t fly that far.”
“So what do we do?” Jessica asked.
“We have this.” Crystal said, pulling a paper from her jacket, “It’s a copy of the shipping schedule. We’ll need to stow away on one of the ships, going to the island.”
“You make it sound so easy.” Sparcy said.
The rest of the trip back home was spent in silence. They parked across the road and the three made their way up to Rosette’s apartment to fill her in on what was happening.
“I hope Flora has been put to bed.” Jessica said, “I’m sure she is. Rosette wouldn’t let her stay up this late.”
“Don’t worry about her.” Sparcy said with a smile, “Rosette is very responsible.”
“I know.” Jessica muttered as they opened the door to her floor, “I just feel as if there’s something wrong.”
“Is it because of this smell?” Crystal asked. Sparcy didn’t notice this before. She had assumed the smell was some kind of carpet freshener the caretaker used when they vacuumed, but the distinct smell of roses drifted down the hall. As they neared Rosette’s apartment, the smell became stronger. Jessica threw open the door and rushed inside to find Flora crying next to Rosette who was lying on the floor unconscious.
He felt heavy. Too heavy to move. He felt as if his body had forgotten how to move. Still he wanted to move. He wanted to get back to her. She was the reason he wanted to live, the reason why he couldn’t give up. He wanted to wake up and go to her. He wanted to get up and run. He felt as if something was forcing him down, preventing him from moving. He still couldn’t give up. He had to get back to her.
Ryu slowly opened his eyes to see trees flashing by his face. He could feel himself moving, but he realized that something must be carrying him. The trees suddenly jumped back as he found himself entering an open field. The bright sunlight hit his face and he turned his head towards the shade.
“Oh you’re awake?” Nydra asked. Ryu looked up to see a blue dragon’s face staring back at him.
“What’s going on? Where am I?” he mumbled.
“I’m taking you to the other side of the island.” She said, “I think there may be a way off this island.” Ryu pushed himself up so find himself lying on her back.
“I thought we couldn’t get off this island?” he asked.
“Dragons can’t get off because it’s just too far to fly.” She said, “Too far to swim for most of the water types here too.”
“So how can we get off?”
“The only human structure on this island is on the other side of the island.” She said, “That’s where floating machines come and go.”
“You mean ships?”
“Whatever. That’s the best way to get off the island.”
“So if you knew about this why didn’t you mention it before this?” Ryu asked.
“Because it was pointless. There’s no way a dragon can get into that place. We’re just too big.”
“And what changed your mind now?”
“Because as humans, we have a chance.”
She felt weak. She felt she only had enough energy to breathe and it scared her. She didn’t know what was going on or what sound was echoing in her head. Her eyes opened slightly and a bright light overhead blinded her. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust but still her vision was blurred. She felt someone take her hand and a face appeared in front of her own.
“You’re awake? How do you feel?” she said.
“Crystal ? Is that you?”
“You scared us, Rosette! We didn’t know what to think!” she said with a smile.
“Why can’t I move?” Rosette mumbled, “Am I tied down?” The smile faded from Crystal ’s face.
“You’re not tied down, Rosette.” She said, “Maybe it’s the drugs.”
“Where’s Ryu?” she asked. Crystal shot Sparcy a worried look.
“He’s gone.” She said, “He left a while ago, remember?”
“Oh yeah.” Rosette mumbled, “Is he coming back?”
“He should be back soon.” She said, “You just rest and get your energy back.” Crystal released her hand and signaled Sparcy to follow her as she left her to sleep, and once again the hospital room fell silent except for the steady tone of the heart monitor.
Once back in the waiting room, the two sisters took a seat next to Jessica, who had Flora sitting in her arms. Both of them looked worried sick.
“She woke up.” Sparcy said, “But she’s sleeping again now.”
“What happened?” Jessica asked.
“The doctors have no idea what’s wrong.” Crystal said, “According to them she should not be like this.”
“But there is something wrong with her!” Jessica exclaimed, “There has to be something we can do!”
“The doctors may not know what’s going on, but to tell you the truth, I’ve seen this before.” Crystal said, “She’s sick because Ryu is too far away.”
“Why?” Sparcy asked.
“It’s because of the bond they share.” She said, “They’re connected to each other by that bond and when they get separated, they become weak.”
“So if we get Ryu back, she’ll get better?” Jessica asked.
“Or we take her to him.” Crystal said, “But I think she should stay here.”
“I’m with Crystal on this one.” Sparcy said, “At least here she can be looked after.”
“So what do we do?” Jessica asked.
“We go get Ryu.” Crystal said, “And we leave right now.”
“But what about Flora?” Jessica asked, “We can’t take her with us and there’s no one to watch her!”
“I have an idea.” Crystal said, taking out her cell phone. She dialed a number and raised the phone to her ear. “Hello, Mrs. Higgins? I know it’s early in the morning, but we have an emergency and we need your help.”
“And who is this?” she responded with a yawn.
“This is Crystal.” She said, “Ryu’s sister.”
“What? Oh right, you’re the family of dragons!” Crystal heard a rustle which she assumed was her getting out of bed, “What can I do for you?”
“Can you come down to the hospital? We have to leave town and we need someone to look after Flora and be here for Rosette.”
“Rosette? She’s in the hospital? What happened?” Michelle asked. Her voice became frantic.
“I’ll explain once you get here.” Crystal said, “Can you help?”
“Of course!” she said and Crystal hung up. She then began dialing numbers again.
“Who are you calling now?” Sparcy asked.
“The Airport.” She said, putting the phone to her ear once more. “Hi, I’d like to book a flight for three to New York leaving as soon as possible!”
The rain seemed to mock them as it pelted from the heavens. The fire struggled to stay alive with the rain constantly trying to put it out. Ryu leaned against the cliff wall, trying to stay out of the rain, but his tears wet his face anyway. Nydra lying nearby remained quiet, not knowing what to say exactly, but wanting to help him anyway. As Ryu stared off into the pouring rain, she shifted uncomfortably and put her head on her arms.
“Aren’t you cold?” Ryu muttered. Nydra looked up at him and smiled.
“You should know that dragons are cold blooded.” She giggled, “Besides, I’m a water dragon. This is my element.”
“Even those with a cold heart need warmth sometimes.” He muttered. The air felt heavy as silence echoed between them. Without a word, Nydra stood and turned around, staring up at the grey sky as the rain ran down her neck.
“Alright, let’s try this then.” She said. Closing her eyes, Ryu watched as she began to glow and loose shape. Like water conforming to any container, she too condensed into the form of a human, and within moments, he was looking at a young girl around the same age he looked now, with bright blue hair. She stood for a moment in the pouring rain and slowly turned around, with Ryu diverting his eyes because of her apparent lack of clothing.
“Um, is this right?” she nervously asked. Ryu forced himself to look and with a red face saw the blue scales covering most of her body, leaving patches of smooth skin peppered in. The scales covered anything that would make the situation too awkward, and he slowly became accustomed to the sight. To him, however, she reminded him of a mermaid for some reason.
“It’s alright for your first try.” He said, looking away. She smiled and picked a spot next to him where she took a seat. Then leaning on his shoulder she hugged her knees and stared out into the rain.
“I am a little cold.” She said. Ryu awkwardly put his arm around her shoulder and pulled his cloak over her head.
“Where am I?”
The words echoed in her head as she slowly picked herself off the ground. She couldn’t tell how she got there in the first place, or why she felt so weak. The softly falling snow felt cold on her bare legs and she shivered slightly. She found it odd for snow to be falling like this with all this fog around, but the cold truth hit her when she realized that it was smoke.
She shakily stood and the pain racked her body. Blood began running down her arm and she could feel her hair soaked with it as well. The rags she was wearing were covered in ashes and stained red, as if she had worn them her whole life.
“What am I doing here?”
As she stumbled through the thick smoke, she tripped over something soft and fell once more to the charred earth. A light breeze cleared the smoke enough to reveal the mangled body at her feet, still clutching his sword in his scorched hand. Backing away in fear, she backed into the side of a burning hut and stifled a scream.
“What the hell is going on?”
Behind her, the wooden hut smoldered and the sharp sound of a child’s scream pierced the air. She whipped around to see a cradle on the opposite side of the small room, with two burning bodies in a heap on the floor. The child cries carried over the smoke filled air, until a burning beam above let go, and crashed into the cradle, smashing it to bits.
“I want to go home…”
The cold air whipped by her face as she ran blindly through the smoke. She kept running until she was clear of the village, and the air began to clear. Her bare feet splashed in the frigid waters of a small creek and she halted in her tracks when she spotted a bright light on the opposite side. Holding her breath she listened, and thought she heard an animal drinking from the creek, but as she inched closer, she slowly realized that it wasn’t someone holding a lantern for their pet to drink.
“I’m scared….”
She stood, holding her injured arm as the smoke slowly cleared and revealed a beast standing at the river’s edge with its nose in the water. A huge red dragon stood staring at her as it quietly drank. Fear spread across her face as she began to back away, and the flame on the end of its tail grew brighter. The dragon slowly raised its head as she pulled a small dagger from behind her back, still inching away as she did.
“Someone help me…”
“Do you expect to kill a dragon with that blade?” the dragon spoke, “With a wound that deep?”
“It’s not for you.” She said, “I would rather die by my own hand than be ravaged by you. I have no wish to suffer.”
“No one has a wish to suffer, lass.” The dragon said, “And I will not be one to add to that suffering.” The fire on his tail dimmed as he turned away.
“Am I going to live?”
“You are not going to kill me?” she asked. The dragon stopped in his tracks and his massive head craned around.
“No, I am not hungry.” He said, “Besides, There is no honor in killing a woman, let alone one that is injured.”
“I didn’t know dragons cared for honor…” she muttered.
“There is a lot you don’t know about dragons, lass.” He said, “Now go home. Your loved ones will worry.”
“I have no one left!” she shouted, “My village has bunt to the ground, everyone is dead, and now I’m alone and scared with no one left to care!”
“So you came from the east..” the dragon muttered, “I believe it would be best if you didn’t go back to that village.”
“Then let me come with you!” she shouted. The dragon snorted.
“Ha! A human traveling with a dragon? Are you mad?!”
“What’s wrong with that?” she quietly said, staring at the ground.
“Dragons eat humans for one thing.” He said, “Aren’t you scared I might get hungry and eat you?”
“Did you not see me commit to ending my life not moments ago?!” she exclaimed, “I can always carry my blade.”
“Why are you so adamant about accompanying me?” he asked, “With that wound you won’t last very long anyway without help.”
“Then I’m asking you to help me. ” She said.
“Please, help me…”
“I can do nothing for a human.” He said, turning away, “I will be seen as a traitor to many dragons if I do.”
“Please, I’m begging you!” she pleaded, “There’s no one left to help.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry?”
Rosette snapped awake and found herself staring at a darkened ceiling. A cold sweat had formed on her forehead and still the steady beeping of the heart monitor was white noise in the background.
“Was that a dream?” she muttered to herself. Turning on her side she stared out the window at the full moon in the sky, wondering if at the very same moment, Ryu was also looking at that same moon.
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